Specialists in the manufacture of cosmetic and personal care products

Our work process

5 op 2-min
2 opción 1-min

Processed products

Alcohol Gel 90 ML Doña María

Alcohol Gel Elite 1L

Oral Fresh Mouthwash

Liquid Soap 1L Doña María

Doña Maria Soap 1L Red Berries

Mosquitop Sachet Repellent

Zaidman Talcum Powder

Medcell Insect Repellent Spray

Mosquitop Repellent

Doña María Alcohol Gel

Doña María Liquid Soap

Alcohol Spray Elite

Alcohol Gel Elite

Elite CPC Multiflex Foam Soap

Oral Fresh Mouthwash

Moncler Alcohol Gel

Ammens Shampoo

Figures you should know

+ 0
+ 0 ton/month

Brands that rely
on us

More than 37 years of experience in professional maquila